774 research outputs found

    Mejora de la eficiencia energética y soporte con energías renovables en un alojamiento rural

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    Al projecte descrit en aquesta memòria es desenvolupen les energies renovables i els aïllaments de la vivenda per a millorar-la energèticament. L’objectiu és transformar aquesta vivenda en un hotel rural que pugui autoabastir. D’aquesta manera podrem captar l’atenció d’un client preocupat pel medi ambient. No únicament s’han tractat les energies renovables, sinó que també ens hem preocupat per l’aprofitament de les aigües, tant pluvials com d’ús domèstic. La millora dels aïllaments ha sigut un punt clau al projecte ja que s’han reduït les pèrdues considerablement. D’aquesta manera, amb els nous paràmetres obtinguts, el nostre hotel rural seria considerat com una vivenda passiva de molt baix consum energètic. Gràcies a això, s’ha aconseguir una reducció del consum de biomassa. Com objectiu final, volem detallar la viabilitat del projecte sent realistes a l’hora d’escollir un sistema energètic o un altre sense que el cost sigui desproporcionat

    AI training for application to industrial robotics: trajectory generation for neural network tuning

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    In the present work robot trajectories are generated and kinematically simulated. Different data (joint coordinates, end effector position and orientation, images, etc.) are obtained in order to train a neural network suited for applications in robotics. The neural network has the goal of automatically generating trajectories based on a set of images and coordinates. For this purpose, trajectories are designed in two separate sections which are conveniently connected using Bezier curves, ensuring continuity up to accelerations. In addition, among the possible trajectories that can be carried out due to the different configurations of the robot, the most suitable ones have been selected avoiding collisions and singularities. The designed algorithm can be used in multiple applications by adapting its different parameters.This work was funded by the “Convocatoria de ayudas a proyectos de I+D del Gobierno de Navarra” under the projects with Ref. 0011–1365-2021–000080 and Ref. 0011–1411-2021–000023

    EsaCake: a semantic software enviroment for sharing software proyects knowledge based on the ESA software methodology

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    Proceedings of: The Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008), 8-13 June 2008, Athens, GreeceThere is an increasing need of defining standards at the beginning of any engineering project. The correct specification of standards has become essential in software development in order to handle correctly the development of projects. Nowadays the need to define standards at the outset of any engineering project is more evident than ever. The specification of standards has become an essential topic which universities try to teach to software engineering students. In fact, software creation processes are required intrinsically to be produced according to a systematic methodology to enable constant control during the project life cycle. This paper presents a new environment that enables semantic and social interaction of documentation produced during software development processes.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project GODO (FIT-340000-2007-134), under the PIBES project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TEC2006-12365-C02-01) and the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TIN2006-15140-C03-02).Publicad

    SPETA: Social pervasive e-tourism advisor

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    Tourism is one of the major sources of income for many countries. Therefore, providing efficient, real-time service for tourists is a crucial competitive asset which needs to be enhanced using major technological advances. The current research has the objective of integrating technological innovation into an information system, in order to build a better user experience for the tourist. The principal strength of the approach is the fusion of context-aware pervasive systems, GIS systems, social networks and semantics. This paper presents the SPETA system, which uses knowledge of the user’s current location, preferences, as well as a history of past locations, in order to provide the type of recommender services that tourists expect from a real tour guide.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the GODO project (FIT-340000-2007-134), under the PIBES project of the Spanish Committee of Education and Science (TEC2006-12365-C02-01) and under the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education and Science (TIN2006-15140-C03-02).Publicad

    Developing Ubiquitous Sensor Network Platform Using Internet of Things: Application in Precision Agriculture

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    The application of Information Technologies into Precision Agriculture methods has clear benefits. Precision Agriculture optimises production efficiency, increases quality, minimises environmental impact and reduces the use of resources (energy, water); however, there are different barriers that have delayed its wide development. Some of these main barriers are expensive equipment, the difficulty to operate and maintain and the standard for sensor networks are still under development. Nowadays, new technological development in embedded devices (hardware and communication protocols), the evolution of Internet technologies (Internet of Things) and ubiquitous computing (Ubiquitous Sensor Networks) allow developing less expensive systems, easier to control, install and maintain, using standard protocols with low-power consumption. This work develops and test a low-cost sensor/actuator network platform, based in Internet of Things, integrating machine-to-machine and human-machine-interface protocols. Edge computing uses this multi-protocol approach to develop control processes on Precision Agriculture scenarios. A greenhouse with hydroponic crop production was developed and tested using Ubiquitous Sensor Network monitoring and edge control on Internet of Things paradigm. The experimental results showed that the Internet technologies and Smart Object Communication Patterns can be combined to encourage development of Precision Agriculture. They demonstrated added benefits (cost, energy, smart developing, acceptance by agricultural specialists) when a project is launched.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2015/2016) funded by the University of Alicante

    Electromagnetic Differential Measuring Method: Application in Microstrip Sensors Developing

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    Electromagnetic radiation is energy that interacts with matter. The interaction process is of great importance to the sensing applications that characterize material media. Parameters like constant dielectric represent matter characteristics and they are identified using emission, interaction and reception of electromagnetic radiation in adapted environmental conditions. How the electromagnetic wave responds when it interacts with the material media depends on the range of frequency used and the medium parameters. Different disciplines use this interaction and provides non-intrusive applications with clear benefits, remote sensing, earth sciences (geology, atmosphere, hydrosphere), biological or medical disciplines use this interaction and provides non-intrusive applications with clear benefits. Electromagnetic waves are transmitted and analyzed in the receiver to determine the interaction produced. In this work a method based in differential measurement technique is proposed as a novel way of detecting and characterizing electromagnetic matter characteristics using sensors based on a microstrip patch. The experimental results, based on simulations, show that it is possible to obtain benefits from the behavior of the wave-medium interaction using differential measurement on reception of electromagnetic waves at different frequencies or environmental conditions. Differential method introduce advantages in measure processes and promote new sensors development. A new microstrip sensor that uses differential time measures is proposed to show the possibilities of this method.This work is partially supported by the University of Alicante (Spain)

    3D Hand Pose Estimation with Neural Networks

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    We propose the design of a real-time system to recognize and interprethand gestures. The acquisition devices are low cost 3D sensors. 3D hand pose will be segmented, characterized and track using growing neural gas (GNG) structure. The capacity of the system to obtain information with a high degree of freedom allows the encoding of many gestures and a very accurate motion capture. The use of hand pose models combined with motion information provide with GNG permits to deal with the problem of the hand motion representation. A natural interface applied to a virtual mirrorwriting system and to a system to estimate hand pose will be designed to demonstrate the validity of the system

    Research facilities and highlights at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

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    The Centro Nacional de Aceleradores is a user-oriented accelerator facility in Seville, Spain. Its main facilities are a 3 MV tandem accelerator, an 18 MeV proton Cyclotron, a tandetron used for AMS, a compact accelerator used for radiocarbon measurements, a 60Co irradiator and a PET/CT scanner. The technical specifications and research applications of these facilities are described. A neutron beam line associated to a charged pulsed beam in the tandem allows for time of flight measurements which determine the neutron energy. The use of an adequate stripper gas in the AMS tandetron permits to measure heavy radionuclides with very low detection levels, allowing to perform environmental studies using these radionuclides as tracers. The use of the microbeam in the tandem accelerator allows to apply the ion beam-induced current technique to investigate the spectroscopic properties and radiation hardness of different semiconductor detectors.European Union, H2020-847594, H2020-654002, H2020-847552, H2020-847594Ministry of Science RTI2018-098117-B-C21, RTC-2017-6369-3, EQC2018-004193-P, EQC2018-004095-P, EQC2018-004166- P, PGC2018-094546-B-I00Junta de Andalucía FEDER US-1261006, US-1263369, P18-RT-190